Monday, January 7, 2008


Mud sucks. My back is pissed. After all my efforts yesterday, I woke today to find more effin mud. Wasted efforts, and now no clue what to do. Pea gravel, or hog fuel I assume, but I don't understand how that stuff works. If the ground is saturated how does the gravel help? Seems it would just get misplaced or float away.

At least the shelter stays dry. That's a huge relief!

1 comment:

Andrea -Mustang Saga said...

The pea gravel will just sink in unless you put something under it. "Cow carpet" works really well under the gravel and some people use heavy duty landscape cloth. Makes it expensive, when gravel already costs a lot... But it works. Hog fuel would be a good cheap temporary fix though. I have neither, we just deal with the mud. I think we might have to figure something out before Bella's baby gets here, since the area in front of our shelter gets BAD in the spring. I hate mud!