Well, it's been way to long since I created this space for bragging about Henry. I can't tell you how much I am in love with this horse. I think I might need a support group. :)
Since I brought Henry home in June things have gone way up and way down. We have definately been on a roller coaster together. Currently we are making HUGE progress with the help of a nearly certified Josh Lyons trainer named Dana. (Josh is John's son btw) I found her purely by luck, actually she kind of found me, and she has proved to be just what the Mustang ordered. We have skipped the whole round penning aspect as Henry HATES it and knows the game way to well. Instead we have been raising and lowering his emotions by various methods. It's an interesting approach, but I'll tell you what.....He's a "In my Pocket" horse now. No spook or Wild Mustang flee/fear anymore.
Together we worked on feet, and got the front hooves trimmed. He stood like a perfect gentleman until the farrier got close to the back. I was not disappointed though as I didn't even expect to get the front done. The farrier comes back on the 10th so our goal is to have him ready for the back by then.
I think that what impresses me the most is how hard Henry tries to please me. He gives it his best shot no matter what I ask of him. Sure we still have a long way to go in our Journey but when Dana asked how my riding skills were and then suggested a refresher course I knew that we were making huge strides in right direction.
I am in no hurry to ride him, I am content to have a buddy on the ground for now. I can't wait for the day when we have family trail rides, and clinic outings. This guy surely has my heart forever!!
Hello, I am a horse lover also and came across your blog through another site. I have two mustnags of my own adopted from the BLM Nov 06. What herd and state is your guy from? He is gorgeous by the way!!! I'm hoping to set up an account through this blogger website and you can come check out my guys when I do if you're curious! :)
Take care!
Oh I forgot to ask how old he is? : )
Christy! You're slipping, girl...two months! We want more =)
Hi Christy! I was finally able to get to your blog! So happy! I got here from a link on Nikki's blog. I never could get here before for some reason... You've got to blog more!
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